Friday, April 24, 2015

Published 7:09 PM by with 0 comment

Dangers of Cleaning Your Own Dryer Vent Line

If you want to clean out your dryer vent, you probably already know the advantages of doing so. Dryers that are not cleaned out regularly pose a very real fire risk, as the lint that builds up in the vent line is highly flammable. Dryer vent cleaning also eliminates a mold hazard, lengthens the lifespan of your dryer, saves you up to $25 a month in energy costs, and makes your dryer run as efficiently as possible so your clothes dry quickly like they should. To learn more, visit the experts at Advanced Chimney Cleaning.

Still, cleaning out your own dryer vent line is not as easy as you may think, and it is certainly more complicated than cleaning the lint trap after every load.

Many homeowners try to use a vacuum to remove lint from the dryer vent line. This may help, or it may go wrong. Vacuum attachments can and do come off and get stuck inside a dryer vent line, which can block lint flow and make the problem worse. You can run into the same problem with brush systems that are sold as dryer line cleaners. A vent line with sharp 90 degree turns increases the chance that an attachment will break off.

You must also be careful if you have a vent line made from foil or plastic, as they can tear fairly easily. If they are damaged -- and you may not even know it! -- lint, moisture and combustible items are sent deep into your home, decreasing the efficiency of the vent line and increasing the chance that you will have a home fire. With metal pipes, you run the risk that your line will be disconnected if the joints are not attached well. To learn more, visit the experts at Advanced Chimney Cleaning.

It's also common for homeowners attempting to clean a dryer vent in Sun City to do the job only halfway. A line that is not completely scrubbed clean will quickly fill with lint again, as any lint on the sides of the vent slow down airflow and allow more lint to stick. Failing to clean the entire vent line can also push lint farther into the line, causing a blockage.

If you decide to clean your own dryer vent, make sure you are wearing the proper equipment, as small animals and birds can make your dryer vent a breeding ground for bacteria and fungus. Your vent may also have mold if the lint has built up.

There is more involved to properly cleaning a Sun City dryer vent than you may think. Don't take any chances; contact the professional dryer vent cleaners at Advanced Chimney Cleaning today to schedule a thorough cleaning of your dryer vent line to boost the efficiency of your dryer and protect your family.


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