Saturday, January 24, 2015

Published 9:48 PM by with 1 comment

Murrieta Chimney and Dryer Vent Cleaning BLOG

Murrieta and Temecula Valley Chimney & Dryer Vent Cleaning

Here is a teaser video I will be discussing in a future post.  Ever wonder about Chimney Sweeping Logs? Get your answer here!

Welcome!  This marks a first in Advanced Chimney Cleaning's 17 year history: A BLOG!

 My first thought was, "Who in the heck wants to read about soot and lint?".  Most customers prefer not to handle their soot and lint, let alone seek it out on their leisure time.  But I do have to say, the more and more I thought about it, the more I enjoyed the idea of sharing our experiences we have everyday out in the field.  In between sweeping chimneys and cleaning out dryer vents, we encounter all sorts of interesting characters, see some pretty unique fireplaces, and occasionally get our pictures taken with falcons or pot belly pigs!  It can all be so much fun and very interesting, even to those not in our line of work.

I plan on sharing pictures and videos from fireplaces I find intriguing, cool back yards and whatever else I may run across that you all might like to see as well.  You would think a fireplace is the type of thing that once you've see one, then you've seen then all.  Right?  Let me tell you, I am constantly amazed at the variety of different facades, doors/screens, mantels and stone work I see.  Even after all these years, I still see fireplace designs that are completely unique....tune in for some inspiration and ideas for your own home!

Don't have a fireplace but still want to get in on this party?  Got you covered.  I'll have plenty of videos and pictures of non chimney subjects, mostly cool pets people have.

Don't like dogs? Well I can't help you there....

-Stay Stooty


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