Saturday, January 24, 2015

Published 9:48 PM by with 1 comment

Murrieta Chimney and Dryer Vent Cleaning BLOG

Murrieta and Temecula Valley Chimney & Dryer Vent Cleaning

Here is a teaser video I will be discussing in a future post.  Ever wonder about Chimney Sweeping Logs? Get your answer here!

Welcome!  This marks a first in Advanced Chimney Cleaning's 17 year history: A BLOG!

 My first thought was, "Who in the heck wants to read about soot and lint?".  Most customers prefer not to handle their soot and lint, let alone seek it out on their leisure time.  But I do have to say, the more and more I thought about it, the more I enjoyed the idea of sharing our experiences we have everyday out in the field.  In between sweeping chimneys and cleaning out dryer vents, we encounter all sorts of interesting characters, see some pretty unique fireplaces, and occasionally get our pictures taken with falcons or pot belly pigs!  It can all be so much fun and very interesting, even to those not in our line of work.

I plan on sharing pictures and videos from fireplaces I find intriguing, cool back yards and whatever else I may run across that you all might like to see as well.  You would think a fireplace is the type of thing that once you've see one, then you've seen then all.  Right?  Let me tell you, I am constantly amazed at the variety of different facades, doors/screens, mantels and stone work I see.  Even after all these years, I still see fireplace designs that are completely unique....tune in for some inspiration and ideas for your own home!

Don't have a fireplace but still want to get in on this party?  Got you covered.  I'll have plenty of videos and pictures of non chimney subjects, mostly cool pets people have.

Don't like dogs? Well I can't help you there....

-Stay Stooty

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Published 9:33 PM by with 1 comment

Temecula, CA - My Clothes Aren't Drying!

Temecula, CA My Clothes Aren't Drying! See why!

I've got an exciting video to share with you all today. This dirty dryer vent was so clogged with lint, we had to take extra steps to remove it all.  I will get into all that in a moment, but let me give you what you came for:  Dryer Vent Sexiness.....

So? What did you think?  You heard the homeowner's reaction. I think it was "OH WOW!"

Crazy right?!  I was so impressed with this video, I made it the feature on our dryer vent cleaning page.  This video shows how much lint can accumulate in a dirty clothes dryer vent.

Danger In A Dirty Dryer Vent

A dirty dryer vent can cause a whole host of issues.  At a minimum, the homeowner or Chief Laundry-Doer (often times MOM!) will experience extended drying times.  These extended dry times amount to wasted money on utilities, more time spent doing laundry, and more wear and tear.  Lets not forget about the two most severe of all these issues: a structure fire AND Carbon Monoxide poisoning!  As the owner of Advanced Chimney Cleaning, I get a large amount of satisfaction from preventing fires and accidental poisonings!

Temecula Dryer Vent
That pile is about 7" tall!  Hard to tell from this angle, but I assure you, It was a whopper!
Many homes in Temecula are this clogged!

My Dryer Isn't Drying My Clothes

We have been cleaning dryer vents and busting loose clogged lint from local Temecula ducts for nearly 20 years.  This dryer vent was a little bit exceptional, as far as lint production goes.  It was so clogged up, we had to use a professional leaf blower to create the air flow necessary to actually push the lint most cases the air from the dryer is sufficient, but here, no way!  There was no air coming out what so ever.  We were forced to call in the big guns.

If your dryer doesn't seem to be running as well as it should, or if you have loads taking longer than 45 minutes, give us a call at (951) 698-8676  

We are always here to help, drop us a line on Facebook:

-Stay Sooty

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Monday, January 5, 2015

Published 7:24 PM by with 1 comment

Dry Your Clothes Faster

Murrieta, CA Dry Your Clothes Faster

The most frequently asked question about dryer vent cleaning we get is, "How often should I get my dryer vent cleaned?".  There is no easy answer for this, however, if you listen close enough, you'll find that your clothes dryer will tell you if a duct cleaning is necessary.  Chances are, if you are here, you suspect something may be amiss, or you just came to see what comes out of a dirty dryer vent.   Here you'll find a video illustrating how dirty a vent can be, even if it is just the first 5 feet or so:

How Long Should It Take To Dry My Clothes?

It is crucial for the homeowner to know how long a load of clothes takes to dry.  This information is used to determine when the dryer vent requires service.  I like to prescribe the following technique to figure this out:

1.  Start with a clean dryer vent.  At this point, you'll know your system is as clean as it can be and as efficient as possible.

2.  Begin a dryer load consisting of heavier common items like towels and jeans.  Make it a size you would typically throw together.  Avoid t shirts and lighter fabrics as these can dry quickly and skew the results.

3.  Ensure the the dryer is set to TIMED DRY.  Set timer for 45 minutes and press start.  Walk away.

4.  Once your dryer has finished the cycle, check the clothes for preferred dryness (found this can vary person-to-person as well).  Using the 45 minute dry cycle as a baseline for your heavier items, adjust your time accordingly for desired dryness.

     Now what has happened is the homeowner now has a baseline to work off of.  After completing Step 4, and making the necessary time adjustments, they know how long a load will take for their heaviest items when the dryer vent is completely clean.  From here, the dry times can be monitored by using TIMED DRY.

What Dryer Setting is the Best?

    At this time, I would like to discuss WHY timed dry is preferred over sensor dry, as so many newer appliances are equipped with this feature.  Sensor dry will continue to make adjustments to the dry cycle, slowly over time.  This occurs when lint begins to deposit into the vent and restrict the venting of the air from the dryer.  The sensor compensates for this restriction and slowing of the wet air by extending the amount of time the dryer is running, in order to adequately dry the clothing.

    When this happens, the dry times go from 45 minutes or so, to a whopping 3 hours, in many cases!  DO NOT let your dryer fool you with the easy button!

    People will find that a cleaning is not always an annual requirement in their home.  It is very subjective and dependent upon use of the appliance.  People also find that their needs can change, as children move in and out of the home, for example.

    Over time and use, damp clothes start coming out of the dryer at the time determined by the user to be the "sweet spot", thus requiring more time to dry. More time = More $$.  Using the timed drying method, the homeowner has a faster indicator of how often they need to clean out their dryer vent while saving money on their utilities and also preventing a structure fire from the build up of flammable lint!

Sounds like a good idea to me: Lower utility bills, lower chance of fire & shorter drying times.

If you've never had this service performed, give us a call or check us out online!  If you won't benefit from our service, WE WON'T PERFORM IT!  Simple as that.

-Stay Sooty

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